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“Riscuri și catastrofe” (Risks and Catastrophes Journal) is one of the scientific journals of the “Babes-Bolyai” University from Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Geography, Romania. The journal appeared in 2001 under the auspices of the Risks and Hazards Laboratory of the Center for Regional Geography and  from 2011 under the auspices of the Research Center for Geographic Hazard and Risks at the Faculty of Geography.

The journal publishes two issues per year and serves as a valuable resource for experts across various fields, offering insights into terms, concepts related to disasters and risks, as well as the latest research findings in this domain. This in-depth understanding of risk phenomena and their spatiotemporal mechanisms is a result of meticulous research conducted by experts in diverse scientific disciplines. Geographers, in particular, play a pivotal role because these phenomena occur in geographical contexts, adhering to specific spatiotemporal patterns. Acquiring comprehensive knowledge about risk phenomena and processes is instrumental in shaping risk management strategies, prediction, prevention, and facilitating the reconstruction of affected environments.

Our publication delves into a range of topics with significant scientific significance, encompassing conceptual and methodological approaches, geomorphic, climatic, and water-related risk phenomena and processes, both within Romania and around the world. We also examine risks stemming from human activities, disaster management, and risk mitigation, among other areas of interest. Additionally, the journal emphasizes regional studies, offering in-depth analyses of how specific geographic regions are affected by and manage various risks. By focusing on regional contexts, we aim to provide a nuanced understanding of risk phenomena and contribute to the development of tailored risk management strategies that address the unique challenges faced by different areas.

The volumes released thus far feature studies on risk phenomena contributed by our esteemed academic staff at the Faculty of Geography in Cluj-Napoca, as well as experts from other universities and research institutes across the nation, including Bucharest, Iasi, Timisoara, Oradea, Tg. Mures, Suceava, Sibiu, and beyond our borders in France, Italy, Greece, Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia, Canada, and more.

We extend a warm invitation to our faculty members, academic staff, and colleagues from both our home country and abroad to actively participate in our journal by publishing their research endeavors in the realms of natural and anthropogenic risks and hazards.

The journal is open access and free of charge (providing free access to all its issues), thus supporting the international exchange of knowledge.

It’s important to note that our journal follows an open-access model, providing free access to all its issues. This approach is aligned with the principles outlined by the Budapest Open Access Initiative, ensuring that our content is easily accessible to the global audience via the internet. Open access allows users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, link, and use the full texts of our articles for lawful purposes without financial, legal, or technical constraints beyond basic internet access. This commitment to open access promotes the international exchange of knowledge, fostering a collaborative approach to understanding and managing risks and disasters. (UMD Libraries, 2014).