I. A.  IRIMUª     


                ABSTRACT. - Vulnerability and risks associated with geomorphic processes in territorial planning. The vulnerability derives from the fact that every geosystem owns different susceptibility in recording specific loses, in connection with the assumed risk. It is closely connected with its change resistance and its capability of adapting to new conditions of environment. The efficiency of this adaptation to risk rouses the level of resiliency of the potentially affected community by the geomorphic process. The activity of the territorial planning is closely related to the identification of territorial disfunctionalities and to their elimination through corrective measurements. This scientific method over poses the investigation methodology of vulnerability and risk, because it has two types of activities: the diagnosis of the geographical space or the gathering of facts, actions, happenings, phenomena, natural and socio-human processes, and the prognosis of the development or future evolution of the phenomena, processes through the argumentation of the stability or instability of some territories from the tectonic, morphological, socio-economical, socio-political point of view. The synthesis of these activities is materialized in the map of the territory’s vulnerability. It is related to every process that could provoke the instability of the territory (and especially in geomorphic terms, the instability of the slope), and the vulnerability of the territory to laniary erosion processes (fluid-torrential); the vulnerability of the territory at processes of: sliding, settlement, collapse, solifluction and creep, processes of flowing, etc.