ABSTRACT. - Monitoring of Dangerous Hydrological Phenomena by Means of Automated Measurement and Control Systems – DESWAT Red.In the context of Romania”s integration to the European Union, the quantitative and qualitative activities of water managment, as well as the other activities of water managment , as well as the other activity fields, must be connected to the modern technologies and methods of establishing the hydrological and quality parameters of water. Therfore, in the Maramures county, trough some international programmes, two important projects of this kind have been elaborated and tested, Flood Prevention in Tisa River Basin and the pilot project DESWAT, wich is going to be extended nationwide. In the paper , there is concise description of the hydrological basin Lăpus, concerning the physical-geographical conditions, the flood sensitiveness and the problem of providing classical hydrometric stations for monitoring the hydic environment. Further on there follows a presentation of the sections monitorized by automatic systems, wich are part of the pilot project DESWAT. Trought the accomplishment of this project we will get the following advantages : - The increasing of the flood wave anticipation degree on the territory of Romania from 1-2 hours as it is at present, to 24-36 hours. At the same time, the flood’s anticipation time on the territory of Hungary will also be increased from 24 – 36 hours, as it is at present, to 60 – 72 hours. The most important part of the paper is the presentation of the sensors used for the measurements, the automatic apparatus of obtaining the data, the equipment and the data transmission systems from the five automatic stations. There is also a short presentation of the infrastructure works necessary for such a section, in order to get optimal results in the apparatus functioning
Key-words: DESWAT Programme, floods, infrastructure, apparatus, monitoring.