ABSTRACT. - The Heat Wave of Oltenia (June, 2007) and the Induced Effects.In this paper we analyse the evolution of the heat wave which affected Romania from 17th to 30th of June 2007. his was the most intense heat wave of June in the last 69 years and also with the longest duration in the whole period of systematic meteorological observations have been made in our country (the “peak” of the heat wave was reached on 26th of June 2007). This heat wave has affected most of the country-especially the south and east-but in the north-west and in the mountain area the effects were minimal. The absolute maximum temperatures of June were reached and exceeded at many meteorological stations in various areas of Romania. This reveals an important step in the evolution of the temperature of June, that, in the context of global climate warming has an crucial signification.This wave-that in its evolution had consequences in all fiels-has particularly affected the Balkanic Peninsula.This paper is of great use to climatologists, metorologists, students who are trying to achieve a Master or a Doctor degree and to those who are interested in climatology in general.
Key-words: heat wave, draught, Dog Days, ITU thermal comfort index.