ABSTRACT. - Multicriterial Methods of Environmental Risk Analysis. The aim of studying the risk and the environmental impacts is to facilitate the decisional process for the anthropic actions with significant impact upon the environment. The study and the evaluation of environmental impacts involves the analysis of some alternatives of the project and the choose of the optimum way taking into account the environmental and socio-economical criteria.The main problems which might appear regard the correct identification and quantification of the impacts upon all the environmental elements. It is also important to integrate the complex environmental information into synthetic attributes which can lead to the right decision. In order to avoid that the main objective of the evaluation of the environmental impacts coned be transformed into a compilation of  relative data of the environment state, it is necessary to structure the entire analysis, finding the keys for understanding the punctiform impacts and their integration into synthetic expressions.The multicriteria analysis concerns techniques that help to solve the complex decisional problems which evaluate the environmental impacts upon criteria that can not be comparated directly. The typical problem of the multicriteria analysis is that economic, social and environmental parameters must be included into the same decisional context. In order to emphasize the different ways of multicriteria analysis of risk and environmental impacts we discussed about different case studies which show the potential of strategic application of the conceptual models for the identification of key-parameters. These characterize the environmental risk state on the other hand, they are representatives for the changes produced by the impacts. The conceptual models represent the bases for creating methods which evaluate the risk and environmental impacts using a GIS. These informational system allows the integration of some important data through the multicriteria analysis.