ABSTRACT:- Pluviometric Deficit As A Climatic Risk Factor. Drought In Oltenia. The present paper aims at informing about the climatic risk factors, especially about the drought that affected Oltenia during the last years, drought that is closely related to the increasing tendency of global warming of the atmosphere. The first conclusion we reached was that the mean annual and monthly temperatures for summer months between 1990 and 2001 are higher then the averages for the last one hundred years. At the same time, the S.T.I. is much higher during the hot season of certain years than during any previous dry years; this indicator is even higher than the one registered during the most severe drought of the 20th century (1946 - 1947).There was registered a record number of days with the maximum S.T.I. higher than 66 days and drought was present even if the monthly amount of precipitation was close to the normal mean within many areas of Oltenia for the period in question. According to the analysis of the precipitation registered during this period (especially in 2000, the driest year), the conclusion we reached is that there were especially rain showers, the monthly amount being registered in 24 hours. So, there was not a uniform distribution of the precipitation during a month. Due to the poor atmospheric humidity and lack of precipitation, the thermal factor became decisive in maintaining the drought. The drought was registered in close relation with the increasing climatic instability at the planet scale as it resulted from the atmosphere synoptic analysis during critical hot periods, as well as during humid periods. At the same time, it is worth mentioning the strong impact of this phenomenon upon the area in question, taking into account the economic instability induced by the transition to a market economy. The material damages were considerable.