Climatic risk phenomena

The climatic record of the earliest spring in Romania, regarding the south-east part of the country – spring 2016       pp. 7-22
Octavia Bogdan, Ion Marinică, Marinică Andreea Floriana

Information on weat her and sea conditions onboard polar cruise ships       pp. 23-32
Brânduşa Chiotoroiu, E. Șemşedin

The climatology of atmospheric fronts crossing Cluj-Napoca city and the weather associated       pp. 33-44
Gabriela Victoria Harpa, Adina-Eliz Croitoru

Hydrological risk phenomena

Sediment Transport Model For Storm Sewer Networks Towards The Operational Risks       pp. 47-64
I. Ratky, M. Knolmár

The particularities of minimum flow of the rivers’ wat er from Suceava hydrographic basin (1981–2005)      pp. 65-76
Adriana Mihaela Porcuţan

The effetcs induced by the floods in the upper Crasna Basin      pp. 77-87
Oana Moigrădea, I.A.Irimuş

Particularities of periods with maximum wat er flow on the rivers from the Suceava hydrographic basin (1981–2005)      pp. 89-102
Adriana Mihaela Porcuţan

Geomorphic risk phenomena

Correlations between the landslides and the morphological and functional units of slopes in the Transylvanian Basin      pp. 105-114
Gh. Roșian, Cs. Horvath



Victor Sorocovschi, Riscuri naturale. Aspecte teoretice şi applicative, Editura Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă Cluj-Napoca, 2016, 174 p
Liliana Zaharia

Conferinţa internaţională “Water resources and wetlands “, 8–10 septembrie 2016, Tulcea, România,
Petre Breţcan